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DIY Therapeutic Massage Oil Recipes

November 29, 2022

DIY Therapeutic Massage Oil Recipes

Rejuvenate your body and mind with your own customized aromatic and homemade oil massages!

Massages for therapeutic purposes are far undervalued and should not be reserved only for special occasions. Some like to incorporate an energizing massage into their daily self-care routine. It's a fantastic post-shower stress relief and can help to speed up recovery if you exercise regularly and is a unique method to express appreciation for your body for all your body does for you. It's also a fantastic gift for your loved ones.

Where to Source Your Essential Oils?

When making a purchase decision, there are two crucial aspects to be aware of: if the product is high quality and its source. Be sure to purchase essential oils of the highest quality and come from a reliable source!

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Oils

There are many ways that these do-it-yourself massage oils are going to transform the way you take care of yourself. In the beginning, the recipes will include natural essential oils which are well-known as aromatherapy. Essential oils' aroma can be used to treat anxiety, help with headaches, increase sleep and quality of sleep control anxiety, boost digestion, and improve the immune system.

It is possible to alter the scents according to your preferences, but the following are the most well-known oils that are commonly used in aromatherapy massage oils. You surely can substitute any essential oil in these massages to address the issues you're experiencing. It's also beneficial that you keep the base oils distinct and just prior to your massage, add some drops from the fragrance you prefer.

  • Lavender is a classic for helping to induce sleep and relaxation; it is also great for meditation.
  • Bergamot reduces anxiety and stress but does not make you feel sleepy.
  • Peppermint is a great stimulant and helps to improve focus. Ideal for a mid-day massage of the temples.
  • Eucalyptus is great for massages on the face to alleviate congestion and clear the lung. Also, it is very cleansing.
  • Orange blossom promotes health and optimism.
  • Lemon is energizing and helps relieve nausea and stomach ache.

These are only few of the many choices available! The variety of options will also be presented in the following text.

Hydrating Hand Therapeutic Massage Oils

It's cold and there's a worldwide epidemic. Everybody is washing their hands more frequently and the cold, dry air means that we're left with cracked, dry hands. The hydrating oil for hand massage soothes skin irritation and moisturizes it, stops cracking, and reduces inflammation and redness.

The scent is energizing and sweet. Keep it next to your beautiful bathroom or on your desk. It's also a wonderful present!

If you'd like to make this in a bottle that pumps, simply double or triplicate the recipe. Mix all ingredients into the bottle and shake prior to each use.

The essential oils used in this recipe are warm and vibrant in their scent. They are antifungal and antibacterial. Grapeseed oil is ideal for this recipe as it is high in vitamins A, B, E, and D. It also contains amino acids as well as essential fatty acids that aid in the healing of dry skin.

Love Potion Therapeutic Massage Oils

From the shower to your bedroom, this love potion therapeutic massage oil recipe is awe-inspiring. It has appealing floral scents and an oily carrier that's tempting and hard to resist. It is great for back and all-over body massages.

Destress Therapeutic Massage Oils

This is a popular technique massage for the face that is therapeutic, such as the cheeks and temples, to help the lymphatic drainage, the jawline for shaping, as well as the neck. A lot of people have lots of tension in the jaw, chin, and forehead. Massage the knots away with this oil, and feel the release of pressure around your face. You will notice the tension melt away.

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