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Baby Massage: Helping with mucus, congestion, and colds

January 23, 2023

Baby Massage: Helping with mucus, congestion, and colds 

It is normal for infants to suffer from around 7 or 8 colds in a year. This is extremely painful for all! Massaging your baby can bring relief and peace and allow you to feel that you're taking action to reduce the symptoms.

What are the benefits of baby massage?

Massage can increase circulation in the area you're working, so we're bringing oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to certain locations, such as the chest or face in this case. We're helping move the lymphatic system and bringing it into action to help in the removal of waste and aiding in healing.

There are certain techniques you can employ for areas that are affected. On the chest, for example, the technique we employ is known as tapping, which helps to break up mucus. In conjunction with a nursery tune, while you tap all over the chest of your baby will help to keep your baby entertained in a way that will make it more fun. Other methods include "waterfall," which is gently sliding your fingers along the sides of the nose that can help clear any congestion.

Massage can trigger the release of happy endorphins and hormones like oxytocin, which helps your baby feel loved, calmed, and relaxed.

Before you start

  • Be aware that babies may feel uncomfortable lying on their backs in case they're extremely congested. It is possible to modify these movements to have them sitting alongside you or offer an inflatable pillow that lifts their head slightly off the floor.
  • Find a comfy spot to sit on your floor. Switch off the TV and your cell phone, and relax from all distractions.
  • Be sure that your child is healthy, happy and ready to take part. Things to take into consideration when they're sick are the following: Do they make eye contact? Are they making happy (ish) sounds? Cooing and appearing to be playful?

Strokes that can be practiced

  • Also, ensure that you are feeling relaxed and happy, not overwhelmed! Relax for a few minutes ahead of when you start. Make sure to shake your hands and arms. Ask your child whether they'd like an ice-cube massage to soothe and ease them.
  • Keep your baby close to let them be near you and feel secure.
  • Make a song that you sing with plenty of praise and encouragement.

Essential oil use

If you're feeling you'd prefer and are comfortable making use of essential oils, you may use them as they can be soothing for cold symptoms and extremely helpful emotionally and physically. Essential oils should be used cautiously and with care and should never be consumed. Oils that are safe for infants include Lavender Lavandula angustifolia, Roman Chamomile Anthemis nobilis, and Mandarin Citrus reticulata. 

Lavender is particularly effective in easing sinus congestion and stimulating and encouraging sleep. Roman Chamomile for relieving pain and Mandarin for "fractious babies." Oils should always be natural and of the highest quality, if feasible. Steam diffusers that are electric are an excellent way to diffuse essential oils throughout a space without risk. If you'd like to get assistance with essential oils, make sure to consult with a certified aromatherapist.

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